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SOUNDS # 36 - Februar '72

Cover: The Rolling Stones


SOUNDS Poll 71/72

poll 1
poll 2



Raoul Hoffman, Zwischen Galaxis und Underground, Die neue Popmusik, DTV-Taschenbuch,
Roland Hutze
Reinhold Fark, Die mißachtete Botschaft,Verlag Volker Spiess,
Michael Kress
Rolling Stones Songbooks: The Rolling Stones Complete Works, Ula-Dad Verlag, Berlin; The Guv'nors of R'n - The Rolling Stones,
Frerk Müller

Rock Electronics - Ratschläge für werdende Musiker, Richard Robinson

rock electronics

Alles über die Rolling Stones, aus Nik Cohn/AWooBopaLooBopALopBamBoom, RoRo Ro. Nr 1452

rolling stones

Frank Zappa - Ich bin ein absoluter Amerikaner, Ulli Prost


Sweet Smoke in Indien, Baba Nam Kevalam
Leonard Cohen - Ich stecke in meine Songs alles rein was ich habe, Hannes Steffen


Ash Ra Tempel, ein Interview von Rainer Blome
Live - Free Jazz In Baden Baden/Günter Buhles, East Of Eden & Osibisa in Karlsruhe/Thomas Hildenbrand, United Artists Presents United Artists in Essen/Wolfgang Willenberg, United Artists Presents United Artists in Paris/ Rainer Blome


Stray, Saturday Morning Pictures,
Michael Wallossek
Mott The Hoople, Brian (sic!) Caper, Michael Wallossek
Yes, Fragile, Michael Wallossek
Poco, From The Inside, Michael Wallossek
Jeff Beck Group, Rough And Ready, Michael Wallossek
Andy Roberts, Nina And The Dream Tree, Harry Unte
Judy Collins, Living, Andreas Roßmann
Terje Rypdal, Same, Günter Buhles
Nektar, Journey To The Center Of the Earth, Michael Wallossek
Peter Thorup, Wake Up Your Mind, Harry Unte
Keef Hartley, Little Big Band, Bernd Gockel
Cactus, Restrictions, Bernd Gockel
Mountain, Flowers Of Evil, Michael Wallossek
Mick Greenwood, Living Game, Bernd Gockel
McChurch Soundroom, Delusion / Virus, Thoughts, Norbert Odorinsky
Dies Irae, First, Andreas Roßmann
Paul Williams Set, In Memory Of Robert Johnson, Andreas Roßmann
Jack Grunsky, Newborn Man, Andreas Roßmann
Dulcimer, And I Turned On As A Boy, Andreas Roßmann
Rory Gallagher, Deuce, Bernd Gockel


Lieblingsplatten 1971 der SOUNDS Redaktion
